1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian

  • Raven Sun

Ian, Max (The dog), Anton and Me


Well, sorry for those who don't like it, but I will write all my posts in English now. It's better for me and funnier for you ! (otherwise, use Google Trad).


I found my first Wwoofing experience and I'm so excited. Before, I should give you an explanation.


--- From http://www.wwoof.co.nz/ ---

WWOOF or Willing Workers on Organic Farm, how it works in New Zealand

Wwoof enables people to live and volunteer on a variety of organic properties. Volunteers (Wwoofers) help on the land and home for 4-6 hours a day and hosts provide the food and accommodation.

Volunteer : Usually you live with your host and are expected to join in and cooperate with the day to day activities. You may be asked to help with a variety of tasks like sowing seed, making compost, gardening, planting, cutting wood, weeding, harvesting, packing, milking, feeding, fencing, making mud-bricks, wine making, cheese making and bread making and whole lot more!!

The length of your stay is negotiated directly between you and your host. Most WWOOF visits are between one and two weeks, though some may be as short as two or three days or as long as six months.

Hosts : Hosts say they “like the world coming to me” by opening up their homes and sharing their lifestyle with others. Some hosts make a living off their land, others are homesteaders interested in self-sufficiency, some are families others are individuals. There are also cooperatives, communities and eco- villages.

All hosts have valuable experiences and a lot of knowledge to share.

--- From http://www.wwoof.co.nz/ ---


Ian is hosting me and a German guy (Anton) for a week. He is very friendly and generous. He shares with us a lot of things about NZ, as Anton and I do about our countries. We were invited by his neighbors for a dinner, it was really great, they have been very welcoming.

The only task he asked us to do was to pick up hay bales (3 hours of work on three days). So I'm fine !!!! I'm spending the rest of my time talking with Anton, looking for other hosts, reading, doing some hiking in the estate, and other stuff...

Now, I'm looking for my next experience. Enjoy the pictures !

1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
1st Wwoofing-Host : Ian
Pour être informé des derniers articles, inscrivez vous :
dans la famille des paysans après maxime et son camping car je voudrais Raven en Nouvelle Zélande
J'apprécie ton gout pour la nature et l'environnement ,au lycée agricole on recrute pour des formations liées à l'agriculture et l'environnement, je te réserve une place!<br /> Continues ton périple, tes photos sont superbes!<br /> A bientôt de te lire.
WWOOF : very good idea ! but try couchsurfing too ! nice pics ! enjoy...
Evite d'abimer la couverture du spa ;-)
Great that you found a welcoming and generous hoster. Wouhaou! Thank you for those pictures. I want a house like that!!! Keep enjoy your journey.
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